Results 1 to 13 of 13
Donate to FirstGiving 
Donate to a nonprofit or fundraiser of your choice at With over 13 million online donors who have raised $1 billion for causes they care about. FirstGiving - Be where the giving happens.

Online Fundraising Made Easy with FirstGiving 
FirstGiving is dedicated to one purpose: empowering passionate nonprofit supporters to raise more money than they ever thought possible for the causes they care about. We partner with nonprofit organizations to allow them to plan, execute, and measure successful online fundraising campaigns,
Poor children 
Compassion is an international Christian child ministry dedicated to helping children in need escape poverty. Through its child sponsorship program, Compassion has helped over 2 million poor children.
World Vision India: Sponsor a Child, Education Gift, Donate Charity to Help Disabled Child 
World Vision is a humanitarian charitable organization. It encourages child sponsorship to help needy & poor children, charity, donations and helping disabled children.
Boston Public Relations 
MBA Team, Inc. is a one of the best Boston PR Firm or Boston Public Relations web Design and marketing consulting firm. It worked with clients on an individualized basis creating solutions that fit their compa
child learning disability 
We are committed to providing an excellent education that appreciates each child’s special strengths, talents and needs.
Wycliffe Associates International Volunteer Organization 
Wycliffe Associates International Volunteer Organizations. Exciting opportunities for mission vacations, Christian mission trips, and volunteer work overseas. 1-800-THE-WORD.
Ethiopia Water Project – Ecover & WaterAid Partnership 
Discover more about Ecover’s partnership with international charity WaterAid which raises awareness about water sustainability and supports clean water programs in Ethiopia.
Sponsor a child 
Sponsor a child and help donate through charitable donations to World Vision. Our child sponsorship programs need your support to help alleviate world poverty, fight natural disasters and protect children.
Veterans Advantage 
Veterans Advantage is a national program that partners with corporations that honors US Military veterans via benefit partnerships such as huge discounts in major establishments and others.
Tax Liens 
Arizona Tax Liens provides you with instant, online access to tax lien lists for purchasing tax liens and tax lien certificates that are guaranteed by the US government to generate 16% to over 3,000%.
Greater Houston Area Better Business Bureau 
better business, bureau, houston, texas, south, reports, company, charity, harris, complaints 
Donate cars to chartity for tax deductions, the resale value is a write-off on cars, trucks vans and boat donations.
Donate car 
Donate your car for charity and help those in need

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